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red.thread™ AI brings new insights for safety intelligence programme

Artificial Intelligence is helping to save lives through Safety Intelligence

Tonic’s red.thread® AI technology is being used for a new global data driven safety initiative. Through the programme, known as ‘HSIP’ (HeliOffshore Safety Intelligence Programme), Tonic is providing its generic technology in the form of a Single Intelligence Environment (SIE) – similar to that also being used for the Galileo programme that is targeting improved safety and reduced crime on the UK’s road network .Through its lead HSIP role, Tonic is collecting a variety of data types from the global offshore helicopter fleet, extending to operations data, maintenance data, flight data, geographic data and, in the future, environmental data may also be added.  Once the data has been acquired, Tonic’s cloud based technology is used to blend the data to form a Big Data set.  The real outcomes are then delivered through analytics that are discovering new insights, which are them being made available through a secure web application.To deliver HSIP, Tonic has teamed up with NLR (Netherlands Aerospace Centre), who’s international reputation for expertise in the aviation safety domain has been built though a century of dedication.A key challenge for HSIP has been gaining the trust of the global network of helicopter operators, who’s activities largely support the Oil & Gas industry.  Substantial governance has needed to be put in place to provide confidence that their data is being protected and anonymised, as well as being used appropriately.Data is already being submitted by operators accounting for more than 80% of aircraft in the combined fleet of the global offshore helicopter safety association.  Through Tonic’s technology, HSIP is putting that data to work and already giving the offshore helicopter industry a clearer picture of its safety performance, which will continue to mature through a growing volume and variety of frontline data that supports all aspects of HeliOffshore’s collaborative work to avoid accidents.

Dr Matt Greaves, HeliOffshore’s Programme Manager, is clear about the HSIP objectives: “Safety intelligence is about collecting and analysing data for actionable results to give safety benefits. We are not doing this just to capture what’s happening in the industry, but to improve safety in the industry; this is about frontline operations and real results”.

More information on HSIP is available from HeliOffshore website and their latest Blog.

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