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Tonic Leads second phase of data insights focused project for Safe, Secure & Efficient roads

Galileo Programme Enters Phase 2

Following successful completion of the initial Phase, Tonic has been awarded Phase 2 of what is known as the Galileo Programme.  In its Prime Contractor role, Tonic will continue lead a multi-disciplinary team for the important Highways England and National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) Programme that is enabling Safer, more Secure and Efficient roads for the UK.

As a result of the highly successful Phase 1, which completed in April, the Second phase will run over the coming year. After extensive review with the Programme’s joint Senior Responsible Officers, representing both Police and Highways England interests, up to 13 integrated projects have been prioritised for the Programme.  Together, the projects are targeted at delivering local outcomes, but with scope for national scalability.  They are all aligned through one or more of three focused ‘lenses:’

  • Data Insights
  • Stakeholder Collaboration
  • Public Engagement

Overall, the Galileo Programme is designing an enhanced Operating Model for policing the roads. This is being achieved with extensive stakeholder engagement, while also bringing together notable practice and experience from further afield – including, for example, the aerospace industry. The model will be outcome focused and use a robust operating process aligned to the National Decision Model. The process itself will be flexible, intelligence driven, foster collaborative ways of working across organisations and encourage the use of notable practice through shared knowledge and experience.

Two of the key elements of the Operating Model will be the Performance Framework and the Digital Twin based Single Intelligence Environment, both of which will leverage Tonic’s expertise with Big Data, advanced analytics, including AI, alongside integrated cloud software applications.

Throughout Phase 2, Tonic will also continue to work in partnership with Keele University’s School of Social Science and Public Policy to ensure that the important principles of Behavioural Change and Procedural Justice are underpinning the team’s work.

By understanding the challenges, having a clear focus, a robust operating model and an integrated solution, Galileo is set to enable the future of policing the roads.

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